RT Book
T1 Making things stick: surveillance technologies and Mexico's war on crime
A1 Guzik, Keith 1973-
LA English
PP Oakland, California
PB University of California Press
YR 2016
UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1619006197
AB "With Mexico's War on Crime as the backdrop, Making Things Stick offers an innovative analysis of how surveillance technologies impact governance in the global society. More than tools to monitor ordinary people, surveillance technologies are imagined by government officials as a way to reform the national state by focusing on the material things--cellular phones, automobiles, human bodies--that enable crime. In describing the challenges that the Mexican government has encountered in implementing this novel approach to social control, author Keith Guzik presents surveillance technologies as a sign of state weakness rather than strength and as an opportunity for civic engagement rather than retreat"--Provided by publisher
AB Surveillance studies and states of security -- Taming the tiger -- Prohesion -- Ni con goma -- Statecraft -- Grasping surveillance
NO Enthält Literaturangaben und Index
CN HV7434.M6
SN 9780520284043
K1 Electronic Surveillance : Mexico
K1 Crime Prevention : Mexico
K1 Social Control : Government policy : Mexico
K1 Security systems : Mexico
K1 Mexiko : Überwachung : Technologie : Verbrechen
K1 Mexiko : Kriminalität : Prävention : Elektronische Überwachung : Soziale Kontrolle