RT Book T1 Sexual aggression against children: pedophiles' and abusers' development, dynamics, treatability, and the law A1 Blackman, Jerome S. A2 Dring, Kathleen LA English PP New York London PB Routledge YR 2016 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1618603094 AB Introduction -- About the authors -- Section A: what is the pathology of child sexual predators? -- Some words of caution : denial, minimization, projection, hope, and the wish to help -- What is sexual abuse? -- Illness vs. crime -- Case examples -- Parental mistakes, accidents -- Parental overstimulation vs. heinous abuse -- Is pedophilia an illness or a crime? -- Why males' and can they be treated? an application of modern psychoanalytic development theory to sexually predatory men -- Deficits in functions -- Developmental aberrations -- Why are children targeted? and can children who abuse other children be treated? -- Symbolism and dynamics -- What to look for in pre-predators : signs and behaviors -- The rare female sexual predator -- Section B: Legal issues raised by child sexual offenders -- The legal system's response to child sexual abusers -- Commitment of sex offenders -- Judicial decision making -- Registration and notification requirements -- Due process violations -- The juvenile justice system's approach to convicted predators -- Psychoanalytic theory and juvenile courts-history -- Development issues and juvenile sex offenders -- Juvenile court history -- Juvenile sex offenders vs adult sex offenders -- Juvenile sex offenders-civil commitment, registration and notification -- Sexually violent predator civil commitment statutes and expert mental health testimony -- Mental health expert testimony in svp civil commitment hearings -- Summary of law and expert testimony-daubert, frye, and federal rules of evidence -- Sex offenders as a "special class" of prisoner -- Future dangerousness and volitional capacity -- Bibliography (referenced in the text of the book) -- List of legal citation in text -- Section E: Reading list (of works not referenced in the text) NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV6570 SN 9781138924161 SN 9781138924178 SN 9781315674117 K1 Child Sexual Abuse K1 Sex Offenders : Psychology K1 Child Abuse : Law and legislation K1 Kind : Sexueller Missbrauch : Täter : Psychoanalyse : Gerichtliche Psychiatrie