RT Book T1 Sexual assault in the U.S. military: the battle within America's armed forces T2 Praeger security international A1 Skaine, Rosemarie 1936- LA English PP Santa Barbara, California Denver, Colorado PB Praeger, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC YR 2016 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1618074490 AB Sexual assault in the military and society -- Sexual assault scandals in the military -- Policies and laws -- Jurisdiction and courts -- Women -- Men -- Sexual assaults on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered service member -- The impact of sexual assault on the military -- Approaches to reduce or eliminate sexual assault in the military -- Appendices -- A. 2014 National Defense Authorization Act: selected sections on sexual assault -- B. Repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" -- C. President Obama's charge to the military on sexual assault --D. President Obama proclaims June 2015 as LGBT month -- E. President Obama initiates the "It's on Us" campaign -- F. Selected sections of the Uniform Code of Military Justice Law, 1949 -- G. Department of Defense Directive, Number 1304.26, December 21, 1993 NO Includes bibliographical references (pages 197-212) and index CN a SN 9781440833786 K1 Rape in the military : United States K1 Rape in the military : Law and legislation : United States K1 Sexual minorities : United States : Crimes against K1 Sexual minorities : United States : Violence against K1 Military offenses : United States K1 United States : Armed Forces : Women : Crimes against K1 United States : Armed Forces : Women : Violence against K1 USA : Militär : Soldat : Vergewaltigung K1 USA : Militär : Sexuelle Nötigung : Vergewaltigung