RT Book T1 Race and justice: wrongful convictions of African American men A1 Free, Marvin D. 1947- A2 Ruesink, Mitch LA English PP Boulder, Colo. u.a. PB Lynne Rienner Publishers YR 2012 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1616021195 NO Includes bibliographical references and index. - Wrongful convictions in the United States -- Meet the wrongfully convicted -- Murder and attempted murder -- Rape and sexual assault -- Drug offenses -- Robbery and other offenses -- Reducing wrongful convictions CN HV9950 SN 9781588268105 SN 1588268101 K1 Discrimination in criminal justice administration : United States K1 Judicial error : United States K1 African American criminals K1 USA : Strafjustiz : Schwarze : Beschuldigter : Justizirrtum