RT Book T1 Child sexual abuse: a primer for treating children, adolescents, and their nonoffending parents A1 Deblinger, Esther A2 Mannarino, Anthony P. A2 Cohen, Judith A. A2 Runyon, Melissa K. A2 Heflin, Anne Hope A2 Deblinger, Esther LA English PP Oxford PB Oxford University Press YR 2015 ED Second edition UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1615603581 NO Preceded by: Treating sexually abused children and their nonoffending parents : a cognitive behavioral approach / Esther Deblinger, Anne Hope Heflin. c1996. - Includes bibliographical references and index SN 9780199358748 K1 Kind : Jugend : Sexueller Missbrauch : Therapie : Eltern : Trauma : Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie