RT Book T1 Access to treatment for drug users within the criminal justice system in European countries: systematic literature review, existing harm reduction initiatives in prisons, and models of good practice (ACCESS) T2 Schriftenreihe "Gesundheitsförderung im Justizvollzug" JF Schriftenreihe "Gesundheitsförderung im Justizvollzug" A1 Stöver, Heino 1956- A2 Zurhold, Heike 1966- LA English PP Oldenburg PB BIS-Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg YR 2014 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1610598865 AB The EU-funded research project "ACCESS" provides an overview of the legislation, policy and practice concerning harm reduction services provided for problem drug users (PDUs) in European prisons in all of the European Union countries. This volume contains: A. A systematic literature review, B. An analysis of harm reduction measures in prisons, C. Best practice examples of harm reduction interventions in prisons. NO Literaturverz. S. 193 - 200 CN HV8844.E85 SN 9783814222950 K1 Prisoners : Medical care : European Union countries K1 Drug Abuse : Treatment : European Union countries K1 Europäische Union : Drogenabhängigkeit : Drogentherapie : Strafvollzug K1 Abhängigkeit : Drogenabhängigkeit : Europäische Union : Strafvollzug