RT Book T1 Drunks, whores and idle apprentices: criminal biographies of the eighteenth century A2 Rawlings, Philip J. LA English PP London u.a. PB Routledge YR 1992 ED 1. publ. UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1610456653 NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV6945 SN 0415050561 K1 Criminology K1 Crime : History : Historiography : 18th century : England K1 English prose literature : History and criticism : 18th century K1 Criminals : Biography : History and criticism : England K1 Biografie K1 Großbritannien : Täter : Kriminelle Karriere : Geschichte 1724-1763 K1 Großbritannien : Krimineller : Geschichte 1724-1763