RT Book T1 Chasing after street gangs: a forty-year journey T2 Masters series in criminology A1 Klein, Malcolm W. 1930- LA English PP Upper Saddle River, NJ PB Pearson Prentice Hall YR 2007 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1609238575 AB Four levels of street gang information -- A review of gang and non-gang jurisdictions -- Relationships of gang presence to city size and -- Location; the overall prevalence of street gangs -- Street gangs and other groups, youth and adult -- Street gangs defined : the difference between definers and descriptors of street gangs -- Street gang members and nongang youth -- Predictors of gang membership, prevalence of gang members in different communities and the dangers of over-identifying gang members -- Street gang crime definitions -- "Member-related" "Motive-related", and "gang-furtherance" meanings of gang-related criminal acts -- Contexts for understanding street gangs -- Street gangs are groups -- The largely ignored fact about street gangs. -- Group processes that make gangs -- Qualitatively different from most other groups -- Five street gang structures and their implications -- Street gangs in cross-national perspective -- Gangs in Europe (the eurogang program) and the consequences for generic knowledge of street gangs -- Approaches to street gang control, from early prevention, through intervention, to outright suppression -- Program implementation, success, and failure -- Concluding comments : the next ten years -- Selected supplemental readings NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV6439.U5 SN 0131709488 K1 Gangs : United States K1 Gangs : Europe K1 USA : Jugendbande K1 Europa : Jugendbande