RT Book T1 Restorative justice: how it works A1 Liebmann, Marian LA English PP London u.a. PB Jessica Kingsley Publishers YR 2007 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1607368986 AB What is restorative justice? -- A brief history of restorative justice -- Restorative approaches involving victims and offenders separately -- Models of restorative justice involving victims and offenders together -- Restorative approaches for the early years of life -- Restorative approaches in schools -- Restorative justice with victims and young offenders in the UK -- Restorative justice with victims and adult offenders in the UK -- Restorative justice in prisons 1: prisoners making amends -- Restorative justice in prisons 2: relationships in the prison community -- Restorative justice around the world -- Restorative justice in complex and sensitive cases -- Domestic violence/abuse -- Issues in restorative justice -- Research : a selection -- Restorative justice after large-scale violence or oppression -- Arts approaches to restorative justice NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV8688 SN 9781843100744 SN 1843100746 K1 Restorative Justice K1 Restorative Justice : Case studies : Great Britain K1 Victims of crimes K1 Criminal justice, Administration of K1 Restorative Justice : Great Britain : Case studies K1 Großbritannien : Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich K1 Großbritannien : Wiedergutmachung K1 Großbritannien : Opferentschädigung