RT Book T1 The path to paradise: the inner world of suicide bombers and their dispatchers A1 Berḳo, ʿAnat A2 Yuval, Elizabeth A2 Addad, Moshe LA English PP Westport, Conn. u.a. PB Praeger Security International YR 2007 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1605379115 AB Palestinian dispatcher of suicide bombers : "Find me, sad guys." -- The role of the dispatcher : "Everybody has his job, I dispatch the suicide bomber and he explodes." -- Organization : "The dispatchers don't send their own sons to blow themselves up" -- Dispatchers are held in high esteem : "I'm considered someone who does something good." -- Dispatcher macho : "My father taught it what it means to be a man and didn't allow us to be cowards." -- Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, Hamas founder : "The shaheed doesn't die, he lives with Allah." -- Women in prison : "She poured boiling margarine on my face." -- As Machiavelli said, "the end justifies the means." -- The book of mug shots : "Huda can't talk to you now, she's having her face done." -- The value of women : "I'll never do anyone any good, anyway." -- The terrorist's dream : "I've wanted to be a shaheeda ever since I was a little girl." -- Double standard : "Sure, I'd attack a kindergarten! I am able to look at your children and explode!" -- Is the "other" a human being? : "do Israeli mothers feel pain like we do?" -- A teenage shaheed : "My classmate enlisted me as a shaheed. He was paid and gave me 100 shekels." -- Paradise : "All that is forbidden in this world is allowed in paradise." NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV6433.P25 SN 0275994465 SN 9780275994464 K1 Suicide Bombings : Palestine K1 Suicide bombers : Psychology K1 Palestinian Arabs : Interviews K1 Women suicide bombers K1 Arab-Israeli conflict : 1993- K1 Suicide Bombings : Israel K1 Terrorism : Israel K1 Martyrdom : Islam K1 Terrorism : Israel : Prevention K1 Israel : Palästinenser : Psychologie : Selbstmordattentat K1 Israel : Palästinenser : Selbstmordattentat : Psychologie