RT Book T1 Corruption, global security, and world order A2 Rotberg, Robert I. 1935- LA English PP Washington, D.C. PB Brookings Institution Press YR 2009 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1604538295 AB "Discusses global ramifications of deeply embedded corruption by criminals and criminalized states. Explores trafficking issues--how nuclear/WMD smugglers coexist with other traffickers. Examines how corruption deprives citizens of fundamental human rights, assesses the connection between corruption and the spread of terror, and proposes remedies to reduce and contain corruption"--Provided by publisher NO Includes bibliographical references and index NO Contains essays originally prepared for discussion at a series of meetings in 2007 and 2008 held by the Committee on International Security Studies of American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Program on Intrastate Conflict at the Kennedy School of Government, and the World Peace Foundation -- vii CN JF1081 SN 9780815703297 SN 0815703295 K1 Political corruption K1 Transnational Crime K1 Security, International K1 Nuclear nonproliferation K1 Korruption K1 Kriminalität K1 Bekämpfung K1 Kollektive Sicherheit K1 Weltordnung K1 Global Governance K1 Global : Korruption : Korruptionsbekämpfung : Internationale Sicherheit : Internationale Ordnung : Global Governance K1 Erde K1 Aufsatzsammlung K1 Korruption : Politik K1 Internationale Kriminalität : Sicherheitspolitik : Internationale Politik K1 Kerntechnik : Nonproliferation