RT Book T1 Offender profiling A1 Keppel, Robert D. LA English PP Mason, Ohio PB Thomson YR 2006 ED 2. ed. UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1603589694 AB Historical origins of offender profiling -- Psychological profiling -- Psychology of offender profiling -- Criminal profiling from crime scene analysis -- Contributions of psychiatric consultation in the investigation of serial murder -- Profiling killers: a revised classification model for understanding sexual murder -- Sexual homicide of elderly females -- The sexually sadistic serial killer -- Profiles in the offending process of nonserial sexual murderers -- Threat assessment: an approach to prevent targeted violence -- Kidnapping of juveniles: patterns from NIBRS -- Violent crime scene analysis: modus oeprandi, signature, and staging -- Case report signature murders: a report of the 1984 Cranbrook, British Columbia cases -- The personality paradox in offender profiling: a theoretical review of the processes involved in deriving background characteristics from crime scene actions -- Testimony of Robert Keppel in State of Washington v. George W. Russell (1991) -- State v. Russell -- Investigative case management for missing children homicides: report II -- The nature of expressiveness and instrumentality in homicide -- Psychological aspects of crime scene profiling -- Coals to Newcastle: police use of offender profiling -- Improving the investigation of violent crime: the homicide investigation and tracking system -- Crime scene and distance correlates of serial rape -- Profesisonal, legal and ethical issues in offender profiling -- Criminal profiling: trial by judge and jury, not criminal psychologist -- Apa's expert panel in the congressional review of the USS Iowa incident NO Includes bibliographical references CN HV8073.5 SN 075938875X SN 0398075484 K1 Criminal behavior, Prediction of K1 Criminals : Identification K1 Criminal Investigation : Psychological aspects K1 Criminal profilers K1 Crime scene searches K1 Violent offenders : Psychology K1 Täterprofil : Kriminalpsychologie