RT Article T1 Jurisdiction of Iranian courts to deal with civil lawsuits against foreign states A1 Haddadi, Mahdi LA English YR 2015 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1588526895 AB The principle of immunity of state and their property from foreign state courts is a natural consequence of the adoption of the principle of equal sovereignty of states in the International law and the international community. The principle, except with the consent of a state and outside the exceptions generally accepted in international practice, prevents domestic courts to exercise jurisdiction over a foreign state or their property. However, some countries contrary to the exceptions have taken some steps to violate the principle of state immunity through legislative and judicial measures. In this regard, the Iranian government has been the subject of numerous lawsuits in Federal courts of the United States through which it has been sentenced in absentia to pay more than $ 12 billion. "The law of Jurisdiction of the Justice of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Deal with Civil Lawsuits against Foreign States" is countermeasures to deal with the government violated the immunity of th CN 301 340 K1 Iran K1 Gericht K1 Zivilrecht K1 Ausland K1 Gesetz K1 Immunität K1 Beamter K1 Staat K1 Regierung K1 Judikative K1 Zivilverfahren DO 10.18052/www.scipress.com/ILSHS.47.46