RT Article T1 Changing the ties that bind: how incarceration impacts family relationships JF Criminology & public policy VO 15 IS 2 SP 503 OP 528 A1 Mowen, Thomas J. A2 Visher, Christy A. LA English YR 2016 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1584910879 AB By using a subsample of the Returning Home data set, we explored how family relationships change during reentry as a result of incarceration. Overall, we found that individuals who completed parenting classes, those with more frequent visits from family members, and Black and female respondents experienced positive changes in family relationships. On the other hand, single and divorced individuals, those with prior convictions and mental health issues, and individuals who reported barriers to family contact reported significant negative changes within the family relationship. K1 Incarceration K1 Re-entry K1 Family K1 Inhaftierung DO 10.1111/1745-9133.12207