RT Article T1 Cyborg work: borders as simulation JF The British journal of criminology VO 58 IS 6 SP 1361 OP 1380 A1 Lalonde, Patrick C. LA English YR 2018 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1582420823 AB Much recent research has focused on examining various binary contradictions and employing metaphors pertaining to border security. Ultimately, this article argues that existing debates and metaphors are inadequate in describing what is understood and agreed upon in the literature in terms of borders. This article proposes a refinement of existing theory for contemporary borders, employing Baudrillard’s concept of ‘simulation’. The metaphor of the ‘simulated border’ functions to avoid debates surrounding geospatiality while also incorporating aspects of risk society and control in concluding that borders are anything but organic security environments, with the ‘stretched screens’ of border agents serving to produce dividuals that are tested within games of security to govern mobility anywhere in time or space. K1 Border security K1 Borders K1 Theory K1 Simulation K1 Risk K1 Control DO 10.1093/bjc/azx070