RT Article T1 Homicide-suicide: postmortem study from the Institute of Legal Medicine in Frankfurt/Main from 1994 to 2014 JF Rechtsmedizin VO 27 IS 3 SP 175 OP 184 A1 Siems, A. A2 Flaig, Benno A2 Ackermann, H. LA English YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1582185476 AB Extended suicide (also known as homicide-suicide) is an incident in which the perpetrator kills one or more people against their will and subsequently commits suicide. Victim and offender are often in a close relationship. In the case of a failed suicide, the offender has to anticipate extensive penal consequences (§ 211 ff. of the German criminal code).The aim of this study was to analyze homicide-suicide cases that occurred during a 21-year period (1994–2014) and to gain further information about the background of these incidents. K1 Retrospective study K1 Murder K1 Firearms K1 Domestic violence K1 Classification K1 Retrospektive Studie K1 Mord K1 Schusswaffe K1 Häusliche Gewalt K1 Klassifikation DO 10.1007/s00194-017-0161-2