RT Article T1 Not just any job will do: a study on employment characteristics and recidivism risks after release JF International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology VO 61 IS 16 SP 1795 OP 1818 A1 Ramakers, Anke LA English YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1580554652 AB Ex-prisoners’ recidivism risks are high. Several theories state that employment can reduce these risks but emphasize that the protective role of employment is conditional on job qualities (work intensity, job duration, etc.). Longitudinal research on the role of employment in ex-prisoners’ recidivism patterns is scarce, and most existing work used a simplistic employment measure (i.e., employed vs. unemployed), leaving the topic of job quality underexplored. This study examines the association between employment characteristics and recidivism among Dutch ex-prisoners. Using longitudinal data of the Prison Project (n = 714), we found that not just any job, but particularly stable employment and jobs with a higher occupational level could help reduce crime rates among these high-risk offenders. Many ex-prisoners face a human capital deficit that complicates the guidance to high-quality jobs. It might, however, be possible to help place ex-prisoners in stable employment. K1 Reintegration K1 Inhaftierung K1 Rückfallkriminalität K1 Langzeitstudie K1 Beschäftigungsverhältnis K1 Imprisonment K1 Employment K1 Reoffending K1 Recidivism K1 Longitudinal research DO 10.1177/0306624X16636141