RT Article T1 The development of a program engagement theory for group offending behavior programs JF International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology VO 61 IS 13 SP 1479 OP 1499 A1 Holdsworth, Emma LA English YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1580510477 AB Offender engagement in group offending behavior programs is poorly understood and under-theorized. In addition, there is no research on facilitators’ engagement. This article presents the first ever theory to address this gap. A Program Engagement Theory (PET) was derived from a constructivist grounded theory analysis that accounts for both facilitators’ and offenders’ engagement in group offending behavior programs (GOBPs). Interviews and session observations were used to collect data from 23 program facilitators and 28 offenders (group members). The analysis revealed that group members’ engagement involved shared identities and moving on as a group. In turn, this was dependent on facilitators personalising treatment frameworks and establishing a hook to help group members move on. The PET emphasizes the importance of considering change during treatment as a process rather than simply a program outcome. Solution-focused (SF) programs were more conducive to engagement and the change process than offence-focused programs. K1 Facilitator K1 Offender K1 Program K1 PET K1 GOBPs K1 Process DO 10.1177/0306624X15624177