RT Article T1 Punitive inclusion: the political economy of irregular migration in the margins of Europe JF European journal of criminology VO 14 IS 1 SP 78 OP 99 A1 Cheliotis, Leonidas 1977- LA English YR 2018 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1578439280 AB Focusing on the treatment irregular migrants have received in Greece since the early 1990s, this article seeks to advance critical scholarship on how European countries have responded to migration from impoverished or otherwise disadvantaged parts of the globe over recent decades. The article first draws attention to ways in which purportedly exclusionary approaches to irregular migration control may be imperfect by design, insofar as restrictions are imposed on outflows to secure an exploitable workforce that serves important labour market needs and, by extension, dominant political interests in the ‘host’ state. Moving on to address the precise ways in which labour exploitation of irregular migrants is brought into effect, the article demonstrates how seemingly unrelated state policies and practices regarding matters of migration, welfare, employment and criminal justice, as well as certain manifestations of anti-migrant violence by non-state actors, may act in combination with one another to this end. K1 Greece K1 Inclusion K1 Irregular migration K1 Labour exploitation K1 Violence DO 10.1177/1477370816640137