RT Article T1 The effects of criminal propensity and strain on later offending JF Crime & delinquency VO 63 IS 13 SP 1655 OP 1681 A1 Craig, Jessica M. A2 Cardwell, Stephanie M. A2 Piquero, Alex R. 1970- LA English YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1577733436 AB Recently, Agnew has narrowed the focus of General Strain Theory by arguing certain factors must converge for criminal coping to occur. Specifically, individuals must have certain crime-related traits, experience strains that are perceived as unjust and high in magnitude, and occur in situations that encourage criminal coping. A longitudinal sample of serious adolescent offenders was used to assess the impact of direct and vicarious victimization on later offending among those with higher and lower criminal propensity. Regardless of their criminal propensity, youth who experienced victimization were more likely to engage in antisocial behavior compared with those who were not victimized. The results are mixed regarding Agnew’s thesis and suggest that victimization experiences may push justice-involved youth into further crime. K1 General strain theory K1 Pathways to Desistance K1 Adolescent offender K1 Victimization K1 Life course criminology K1 Drucktheorie K1 Agnew, Robert DO 10.1177/0011128716665334