RT Article T1 Is the public convinced that “nothing works?”: predictors of treatment support for sex offenders among Americans JF Crime & delinquency VO 62 IS 6 SP 777 OP 799 A1 Mancini, Christina A2 Budd, Kristen M. LA English YR 2016 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/157673420X AB It is presumed that public opposition to sex offender treatment derives from the “nothing works” philosophy. However, few studies have systematically unpacked perceptions about sex offender treatment. Drawing on national poll data, this study uses multinomial logistic regression to identify predictors of treatment views. Results indicate that misperceptions about sex crimes, particularly the belief in “stranger danger” and offense amplification, reduce support for treatment. Parents with children under age 17 were less likely to approve of treatment efforts, because they did not believe the treatment research. Separately, belief in high sex offender recidivism was associated with a greater likelihood of not sure responses about treatment. In contrast, desiring more information about how to prevent sexual offending increased support for interventions. Implications are discussed. K1 Public perceptions K1 Rehabilitation K1 Sex offenders K1 Treatment K1 Öffentliche Wahrnehmung K1 Sexualtäter K1 Behandlung K1 Behandlungsmöglichkeiten K1 Therapie K1 Diskussion DO 10.1177/0011128715597693