RT Article T1 The dynamic theory of homicide: adverse social conditions and formal social control as factors explaining the variations of the homicide rate in 145 countries JF Canadian journal of criminology and criminal justice VO 60 IS 2 SP 241 OP 265 A1 Ouimet, Marc A2 Langlade, Aurélien A2 Chabot, Claire LA English YR 2018 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1576328538 AB Cross-national comparisons of crime across the world consistently show that homicide rates are higher in more impoverished countries. However, the role of formal social controls as mediators between social conditions and homicide has never been investigated across a large number of countries. To provide data on the efficiency of criminal justice systems across the world, we found [End Page 241] 1,223 experts and had them fill out a questionnaire, providing data for 145 countries. Results from structural equations models (Amos) show that adverse social conditions (collective and individual poverty, inequality, and youthfulness of the population) downwardly affect the level of formal social control (application of the rule of law, low corruption rate, effectiveness of the criminal justice system, and satisfaction with the criminal justice agencies). Low levels of formal social control lead to higher levels of homicide. In other words, the effect of adverse social conditions on homicide is mediated by formal social control. K1 Homicide K1 Police K1 International K1 Violence K1 Justice K1 Poverty K1 Tötungsdelikte K1 Ländervergleich K1 Länderübergreifende Studie K1 Cross-national criminology K1 Soziale Lage K1 Soziale Kontrolle DO 10.3138/cjccj.2017-0005.r2