RT Article T1 Good parents, bad parents: rethinking family involvement in juvenile justice JF Theoretical criminology VO 21 IS 3 SP 307 OP 323 A1 Paik, Leslie LA English YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1567831923 AB This article proposes a new theoretical model for studying family involvement in youth delinquency cases in juvenile court. It argues that before we can assess the family’s effect on case outcomes, we must first have a clearer understanding about the process by which family involvement is formed to consider the myriad factors that go beyond the idea of a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ parent. Based on qualitative data on families in New York City Family Court, this article shows how family involvement is not a predetermined factor but rather, the result of the institutional process itself as shaped by the family’s interactions with court staff as well as the youths’ behaviors and interactions with parents and staff. K1 Family socialisation K1 Juvenile delinquency K1 Juvenile justice K1 Parental accountability K1 Parental involvement K1 Jugendkriminalität K1 Jugenddelinquenz K1 Jugendgerichtsbarkeit K1 Sozialisation K1 Familie DO 10.1177/1362480616649430