RT Article T1 Exploring definitions of serious crime in EU policy documents and academic publications: a content analysis and policy implications JF European journal on criminal policy and research VO 23 IS 3 SP 269 OP 285 A1 Paoli, Letizia 1966- LA English YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1565820347 AB In recent years the term “serious crime” has gained prominence in EU policy on internal security. This article analyzes how the EU policy and scientific communities have conceptualized and operationalized the term. Through a content analysis, it evaluates the articulation and use of “serious crime” in EU policy documents published from 1995–2013 and scientific articles published from 2004–13 that include the term (n = 93 and n = 104, respectively). The analysis demonstrates deficits of conceptualization and operationalization and a correspondingly weak foundation for policy. While the EU’s increasing emphasis on serious crime could represent an opportunity to improve the accountability of EU crime control policies, it is up to academics and policy-makers to address these deficits. K1 EU crime control policy K1 Europol K1 Harm K1 Internal security K1 Organized crime K1 Serious crime K1 SOCTA K1 Innere Sicherheit K1 Organisierte Kriminalität DO 10.1007/s10610-016-9333-y