RT Article T1 ‘They withdrew all I was worth’: automated teller machine fraud and victims’ life chances in Nigeria JF International review of victimology VO 23 IS 3 SP 313 OP 324 A1 Oludayo, Tade A2 Adeniyi, Oluwatosin A. LA English YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1565496981 AB A major downside of the cashless policy introduced by the Central Bank of Nigeria in 2014 is pervasive automated teller machine (ATM) frauds. While fraudsters gain, the life chances of victims are affected. Previous studies in Nigeria had not investigated the effect of ATM frauds on victims’ life chances. Data were generated through in-depth interviews with victims of ATM fraud. Findings show victims suffered post fraud trauma and often depended on friends, parents and relatives to survive the trauma. The reaction of banks to customers’ victimization was unfavorable and unhelpful in compensating the financial losses of customers. We recommend better internal controls for banks and implementation of mechanisms to govern trust and protect customers from victimization. K1 Cashless policy K1 Life chances K1 Victimology K1 Fraud K1 Nigeria K1 Betrug K1 Geldautomatenmissbrauch DO 10.1177/0269758017704330