RT Article T1 Origion, development and evolution of maritime piracy: a historical analysis JF International journal of law, crime and justice VO 49 SP 1 OP 9 A1 Hassan, Daud A2 Hasan, Sayed M. LA English YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1565336135 AB Maritime piracy has been an issue of longstanding concern for humanity. The threat of piracy has continuously affected various sovereigns, empires and states over the centuries. Historical evidence suggests that the incidence of piracy can be contained and be brought to a manageable level through adoption of proper strategies. A clear understanding of its historical and contemporary perspectives is also crucial to address the piracy problem. The paper provides a brief review of the evolution of the concept of piracy and explore its different faces throughout human history. The paper concludes by focusing on some of the lessons that can be drawn from history to combat modern piracy. K1 Piraterie K1 Historische Entwicklung K1 Konzept K1 Piracy K1 Bekämpfung K1 Combat DO /10.1016/j.ijlcj.2017.01.001