RT Article T1 The occupation of the senses: the prosthetic and aesthetic of state terror JF The British journal of criminology VO 57 IS 6 A1 Šalhūb-Kīfūrkiyān, Nādira LA English YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1564753417 AB Colonial and settler colonial dispossession is performed through various forms of violence, justified by cultural, historical, religious and national imperatives. In this paper, I define one of these forms of violence as the occupation of the senses, referring to the sensory technologies that manage bodies, language, sight, time and space in the colony. This paper analyses the parades, marches and festivals performed in the Palestinian city space of occupied East Jerusalem; shares the slogans, chants and graffiti used by Israeli civil, religious and nationalist entities; and explores what is lived, seen, heard, felt and smelled by the colonized to uncover the political violence implicated in the occupation of the senses. K1 Occupation K1 Senses K1 Aesthetics K1 Palestinians K1 East Jerusalem K1 Palästina K1 Besetzung K1 State terror K1 Staatsterrorismus K1 Besatzung DO 10.1093/bjc/azw066