RT Book T1 Dangerous and severe: process, programme, and person; Grendon's work T2 Community, culture and change JF Community, culture and change A1 Morris, Mark LA English PP London u.a. PB Kingsley YR 2004 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1184519080 AB Grendon prison : an introduction -- Grendon's men -- Grendon's process -- Grendon's programme : models of change -- Grendon staff : clinical pluralism -- Grendon as a psychodynamic treatment -- Dilemmas in management -- Evidence and audit -- Looking forwards and DSPD. NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV8742.G72G74 2004 SN 1843102269 K1 HM Prison Grendon K1 Mentally ill prisoners : Rehabilitation : Great Britain K1 Prisoners : Mental health services : Great Britain K1 Dangerously mentally ill : Treatment : Great Britain K1 Antisocial personality disorders : Treatment : Great Britain K1 Psychopaths : Rehabilitation : Great Britain