RT Book T1 Understanding crime: experiences of crime and crime control; acts of the International Conference, Rome, 18-20 Nov. 1992 T2 Publication / United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute JF Publication / UNICRI, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute A2 Alvazzi del Frate, Anna A2 Zvekić, Uglješa A2 Dijk, Jan J. M. van 1947- LA English PP Rome PB UNICRI YR 1993 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1106492269 NO At head of title: UNICRI; Ministry of Justice, the Netherlands; Ministry of the Interior, Italy NO Proceedings of the International Conference on Understanding Crime: Experiences of Crime and Crime Control, organized by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute in co-operation with the Italian Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands NO Includes bibliographical references CN HV6010 K1 Crime : Congresses K1 Criminology : Research : Congresses K1 Crime analysis K1 Konferenzschrift : 1992 : Rom K1 Konferenzschrift K1 Verbrechenskontrolle K1 Kriminalität K1 Kriminalitätskontrolle K1 Opferbefragung K1 Kriminalitätsfurcht K1 Methodenprobleme K1 Opferschutz K1 Kriminalitätsentwicklung K1 Kriminalstatistik K1 Kriminalpolitik K1 International K1 Vereinte Nationen