RT Book T1 Ethnics in a borderland: an inquiry into the nature of ethnicity and reduction of ethnic tensions in a one-time genocide area T2 Contributions in sociology JF Contributions in sociology A1 Gross, Feliks 1906-2006 LA English PP Westport. Conn. u.a. PB Greenwood Press YR 1978 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1093296976 CN DG975.T792 SN 0313203105 SN 9780313203107 K1 Ethnology : Italy : Trentino-Alto Adige K1 Ethnicity : Italy : Trentino-Alto Adige K1 Trentino-Alto Adige (Italy) : History K1 Südtirol : Nationalitätenfrage K1 Trentino : Nationalitätenfrage K1 Italien : Trentino : Südtirol : Nationalitätenfrage