RT Book T1 Vengeance: the true story of an Isreali counter-terrorist team A1 Jonas, George LA English PP New York PB Simon and Schuster YR 1984 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1089739346 CN 956/.04 K1 Munaẓẓamat at-Taḥrīr al-Filasṭīnīya K1 Attentat K1 Geheimdienst K1 Israel : Attentat : Palestine Liberation Organization : Geheimer Auslandsnachrichtendienst K1 Israel K1 Munaẓẓamat at-Taḥrīr al-Filasṭīnīya : Terrorismus : Israel : Mossad : Geschichte 1972-1974