RT Book T1 The illicit economy in Turkey: how criminals, terrorists, and the Syrian conflict fuel underground markets A1 Cengiz, Mahmut A2 Roth, Mitchel P. 1953- LA English PP Lanham Boulder New York London PB Lexington Books YR 2019 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1067501770 CN 330.9561041 SN 9781498595049 K1 Illegaler Handel K1 Schattenwirtschaft K1 Wirtschaftskriminalität K1 Geldwäsche K1 Korruption K1 Terrorismus K1 Flüchtlinge K1 Türkei K1 Black Market : Turkey K1 Corruption : Turkey K1 Turkey : Economic conditions : 1960-