RT Book T1 Global Diffusion of Protest: Riding the Protest Wave in the Neoliberal Crisis T2 Protest and Social Movements A2 Della Porta, Donatella 1956- LA English PP Amsterdam PB Amsterdam University Press YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1042463018 AB Recent years have seen a new development in the growth and spread of popular protest: protests that began as local, homogeneous events-such as Occupy Wall Street or the protests of the Arab Spring-quickly left their original locations and local specificity behind and became global. This book looks at the development of this wave of protests, with an eye on protests against austerity and neoliberal economic policies, and offers a global view, covering events in Turkey, Brazil, Venezuela, South Africa, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, and other locations. CN HM883 SN 9789048531356 K1 Neoliberalism K1 Protest movements : Cross-cultural studies K1 Protest movements : History : 21st century K1 SOCIAL SCIENCE / General K1 POLITICAL SCIENCE / General K1 social movements, protests, contentious politics, democracy DO 10.1515/9789048531356