RT Book T1 Remembering Emmett Till A1 Tell, Dave 1976- LA English PP Chicago London PB The University of Chicago Press YR 2019 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1031357793 AB Take a drive through the Mississippi Delta today and you'll find a landscape dotted with memorials to major figures and events from the Civil Rights movement. Perhaps the most chilling are those devoted to the murder of Emmett Till, a tragedy of hate and injustice that became a beacon in the fight for racial equality. The ways this event is remembered have been fraught from the beginning, revealing currents of controversy, patronage, and racism lurking just behind the placid facades of historical markers.In Remembering Emmett Till, Dave Tell gives us five accounts of the commemoration of this infamous crime. In a development no one could have foreseen, Till's murder-one of the darkest moments in the region's history-has become an economic driver for the Delta. Historical tourism has transformed seemingly innocuous places like bridges, boat landings, gas stations, and river beds into sites of racial politics, reminders of the still-unsettled question of how best to remember the victim of this heinous crime. Tell builds an insightful and persuasive case for how these memorials have altered the Delta's physical and cultural landscape, drawing potent connections between the dawn of the Civil Rights era and our own moment of renewed fire for racial justice. AB Introduction: remembering Emmett Till -- Race, geography, and the erasure of Sunflower County -- Of race and rivers: topography and memory in Tallahatchie County -- Emmett Till, Tallahatchie County, and the birthplace of the movement -- Ruins and restoration in money -- Memory and misery in Glendora -- Conclusion: vandalism and memory at Graball landing NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN E185.93.M6 SN 9780226559537 K1 Till, Emmett : 1941-1955 : Anniversaries, etc K1 Till, Emmett : 1941-1955 : Anniversaries, etc : Economic aspects K1 Murder victims : Monuments : Mississippi : Delta (Region) : History K1 Murder victims : Monuments : Mississippi : Tallahatchie County : History K1 Civil rights movements : United States : History K1 Tallahatchie County (Miss.) : Social conditions K1 Delta (Miss. : Region) : Race relations K1 Tallahatchie County (Miss.) : Race relations K1 Delta (Miss. : Region) : Social conditions K1 Till, Emmett : 1941-1955 : Mord : Kollektives Gedächtnis