RT Book T1 Earl Warren, Ernesto Miranda and terrorism A1 Guiora, Amos N. 1957- LA English PP Northport, New York PB Twelve Tables Press YR 2018 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1023056127 AB "Would Chief Justice Earl Warren apply Miranda v. Arizona to terrorists today? This is not a biography of Warren; that task has been admirably accomplished by others. In inquiring whether Warren would apply Miranda to terrorism requires that we travel back in time to answer the question posed. The fact that President Obama and Attorney General Holder could not agree highlights the complexity and controversy of the issue. The question is brought to the fore after every act of terrorism committed by an American on U.S. soil." -- AB An overview : Earl Warren in a nutshell -- Warren in California : internment of Japanese Americans and Point Lobos -- The 1960s : the streets are burning -- The Warren court's criminal procedure revolution -- The essence of Miranda -- The dissents, oral arguments, and controversy of Miranda -- Post-Miranda, terrorism, and interrogations -- Five attacks : applying Miranda to terrorism? -- Final word CN KF9625 SN 9781946074089 K1 Warren, Earl : 1891-1974 K1 United States : Supreme Court K1 Constitutional Law : United States K1 Self-incrimination : United States K1 Confession (Law) : United States K1 Trials (Terrorism) : United States K1 Political questions and judicial power : United States : History : 20th century K1 Civil Rights : United States K1 Terrorism : United States