RT Book T1 Origins and destinations: the making of the second generation A1 Luthra, Renee A2 Soehl, Thomas A2 Waldinger, Roger David 1953- LA English PP New York PB Russell Sage Foundation YR 2018 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1018091009 AB Origins and destinations -- Bringing the international back in: a new perspective -- The international perspective -- The importance of context -- Getting ahead: institutions, ethnicity, and international nfluences -- Acquiring citizenship -- Exercising citizenship -- Cross-border connections -- Ethnicity: crossing blurry boundaries -- Conclusion: the making of the second generation CN JV6475 SN 9780871549129 K1 Children of immigrants : United States : Social conditions K1 Immigrants : United States : Social conditions K1 Immigrants : Cultural assimilation K1 Americanization K1 Transnationalism K1 United States : Emigration and immigration : Social aspects K1 USA : Generation 2 : Assimilation : Soziologie