RT Book T1 Terrorism: theory and practice T2 Westview special studies in national and international terrorism A2 Alexander, Yonah 1931- LA English PP Boulder, Colo. PB Westview Pr. YR 1979 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/039331717 NO Papers presented at two academic seminars, sponsored by the Institute for Studies in International Terrorism (State University of New York) and held at the Polytechnic of North London in January 1976 and December 1977 CN HV6431 SN 0891580891 K1 Terrorism K1 Terrorismus/Terrorismusbekämpfung K1 Literaturverzeichnis/Bibliographie K1 Register K1 terrorism/measures against terrorism K1 Bibliography K1 Index K1 Terrorismus