Daube, David 1909-1999

Born: 08.02.19091909-02-08T00:00:00+01:00, Freiburg im Breisgau
Died: 24.02.19991999-02-24T00:00:00+01:00, Berkeley, Calif.
Occupation: Exeget / Rechtshistoriker
Corporate Relations: University of Cambridge: 1938-1946
University of Aberdeen: 1951-1955
University of Oxford: 1955-1970
Universität Konstanz: 1966, Honorarprof.
University of California Berkeley. School of Law: ab 1970
Geographical Relations: Geburtsort: Freiburg im Breisgau
Sterbeort: Berkeley, Calif.
Country: Germany (XA-DE)
Country: United Kingdom (XA-GB)
Country: United States (XD-US)
Biographical References: Biogr. H Emigr.
GND (119346613)
Wikidata (Q215403)
Archived Material: Kalliope

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692 |a Ancient Jewish law 
692 |a Appeasement or resistance and other essays on New Testament Judaism 
692 |a Mithrsg. von: The background of the New Testament and its eschatology 
692 |a Civil disobedience in antiquity 
692 |a Collaboration with tyranny in Rabbinic law 
692 |a Collected studies in Roman law 
692 |a Collected works 
692 |a Daube noster : essays in legal history for David Daube 
692 |a The deed and the doer in the bible 
692 |a Dissent in Bible and Talmud 
692 |a Donum gentilicium : New Testament studies in honour of David Daube 
692 |a The duty of procreation 
692 |a The exodus pattern in the bible 
692 |a La femme dans le droit biblique 
692 |a Forms of Roman legislation 
692 |a Die Geburt der Detektivgeschichte aus dem Geiste der Rhetorik. - Konstanz, 1983 
692 |a Gewaltloser Frauenwiderstand im Altertum. - Konstanz, 1971 
692 |a He that cometh : lecture, held in the crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, Oct. 1966 
692 |a Carmichael, Calum MacNeill: Ideas and the man : remembering David Daube 
692 |a Legal problems in medical advance 
692 |a The New Testament and Rabbinic judaism 
692 |a Nocere and noxa 
692 |a The Old Testament prohibitions of homosexuality 
692 |a Roman law 
692 |a Studies in biblical law 
692 |a Hrsg. von: Studies in the Roman law of sale 
692 |a The sudden in the scriptures 
692 |a Mitverf. von: A tribute to Albert A. Ehrenzweig 
692 |a Typologie im Werk des Flavius Josephus 
692 |a Wine in the bible 
700 1 |a Daube, David 
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