Research Data Management

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Special Topics


Repositories and Archives


The Registry of Research Data Repositories is the world's largest interdisciplinary directory of research data repositories.

Forschungsdaten-Repositorien (Research Data Repositories)
Overview of various research data repositories on "PsychLinker" - a collection of digital resources for psychology.

Datenzentren für die Bildungsforschung (Data Centers for Educational Research)
Overview of research data repositories for educational research on the specialized portal "Pedagogy."

General and Criminologically Relevant Repositories and Archives

National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
The National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD) archives, curates, preserves, and disseminates data on crime and justice for secondary analysis. It is home to several large-scale and well-known datasets.

UK Data Service
The UK Data Service, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), includes major UK government-sponsored surveys, cross-national surveys, longitudinal studies, UK census data, international aggregate, business data, and qualitative data.

SowiDataNet (GESIS)
SowiDataNet is a research data network for the social and economic sciences in Germany. Institutional institutions can use this service for independent documentation, preservation, and publication of their research data to make them available for reuse by the scientific community.

Datorium is a service provided by GESIS and serves researchers in the social and economic sciences for independent documentation, publication, and exchange of their research data. The data, metadata, and associated documents can be independently and freely uploaded and additionally linked to relevant publications.

The FDZ (former PsychData) is a platform operated by the Leibniz Center for Psychological Information and Documentation (ZPID), specifically designed for psychological research data archiving, documentation, and exchange.

Dryad is a paid data repository primarily for medical data but also other types of data. It provides quality control and allows data publication only in connection with a corresponding paper.

Figshare is a repository for various types of publications. It offers the possibility to publish negative data as well and supports altmetrics but is operated by a commercial provider (MacMillan Group / Nature).

Zenodo is a platform for archiving and publishing various content and formats. It is supported by the European Commission and operated at CERN. It is available for research results from all disciplines, allows both text and data publications, and enables their linking. Zenodo is user-friendly and accessible but does not perform curation/quality control.

EUDAT is a long-term EU project. It provides an infrastructure for securing, archiving, and publishing data through services like B2DROP and B2SHARE.